Navet in Umeå

A new experience

At Navet you can swim, exercise and relax in modern facilities in central Umeå.

Birthday party


See our entrance fees, as well as the prices for our discount cards and the Navet card.  

Buy a gift card at Navet!

The Navet card

Do you want to be able to swim, relax, exercise water aerobics at Navet whenever you feel like it, and swim at Umelagun in the summer? Get the Navet card! 

More action

The adventure area

Eat at Navet


Navet's own restaurant offers both full meals, breakfast and light snacks. You can also bring your own food and eat it in the restaurant.


We want all our visitors to have a nice experience and feel safe here. We have therefore put together some information about safety at Navet, as well as a few things that are important to keep in mind during your visit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Navet.

The multifunction pool